Key dates for 2024

Close of applications
5 pm, 30 April 2024

Last date for receipt of 2024
Evaluation Reports by HSF Board
31st March 2025

Help St Foundation Grants Program

Help St Foundation Grants Program

Grant Evaluation Forms

Help Street Foundation Grants Programme

The Foundation aims to support the provision of community services to or for people within the Willoughby Local Government Area, irrespective of age, gender, race, sexual orientation, creed, religion or any other status.

Each year, HSF allocates a proportion of its income to assist organisations and community groups principally from within the Willoughby LGA. Typical HSF grants range from $1,000 – $15,000, although applications outside this range will be considered. 

If you wish to apply, you will find the relevant forms in the buttons on the left


Eligibility Criteria for the Grant Programme

    • Applicants must be non-profit, non-government organisations, which generally provide initiatives (activities, services and programs) in the Willoughby LGA.
    • Suitable initiatives may include, but will not be limited to, activities, services and programs which address the needs of the elderly, disabled, and young people, initiatives that support families balancing the demands of work and family-life, and initiatives that promote the diversity and strength of our multi-cultural community. 
    • It is expected that most applications will be for one-off funding.  “Top-up” funding, which enhances an existing service, may be considered as a once-off. Applications for limited program or part-program funding of up to three years for innovative demonstration projects may be considered if the applicant identifies sources of on-going funding or how cessation of the service or program will be managed.  Applications for recurrent funding will only be considered on an exception basis.
    • The policies and practices of the initiative should demonstrate inclusiveness, a non-judgmental approach, and a commitment to social justice and community building.